with 70+ classes/week we have exactly what you need. need to push your limit and drip sweat? we got you. need at least 15 min in legs up the wall? we got you. whether your looking for a workout or a reset, we got you.
offering three distinctive types of Hatha Yoga classes: Strength & Stability, Gentle, and Breathe, Move, Stretch – classes involve a mix of asanas (poses), pranayama (breathing exercises), and meditation to provide a holistic approach to wellbeing.
a dynamic, fluid practice that harmonizes breath and movement, builds strength and flexibility, and invites you into a deeper sense of calm and centeredness.
a meditative approach that focuses on the deeper connective tissues of the body – the ligaments, joints, and fascia. Postures, or ‘asanas,’ are held for longer periods (often between 2 to 5 minutes), encouraging you to delve inward and embrace stillness.
utilize a range of pilates equipment, including reformers, towers, chairs, and more! pilates equipment classes are great for anyone looking to improve their fitness and overall wellbeing.
classical pilates as taught by Joseph Pilates. a low-impact, full-body workout that focuses on building core strength and stability. using just a mat, this class will challenge your muscles and improve your posture.
a fusion class that combines elements of ballet, pilates, and stretch. using a ballet barre for support, light hand weights, ankle weights and resistance bands this class will work your entire body through small, controlled movements. loud music, big smiles & lots of sweat to be expected 🙂
the balance METHOD checks all the boxes! this 50 minute class opens with a dynamic warm up to connect us to our breath and body, and to prepare us for the work. Inspired by renowned fitness modalities like BBG™, TB12™ and the workouts of Tracy Anderson, Stephen Pasterino and Joseph Pilates & more…expect to use all the props in this all levels, always accessible class! we end with a brief meditation
– there you did it!